Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Geckoloader v 0.0.2b

Get it here

and an older version 0.0.2 just in case:

Geckoloader is used for load Wii homebrew binaries. It acts as a server using a USBgecko adapter.

To make it work make sure you have:

usbgecko adapter

a gamecube pad

a way to boot wii homebrew

Some of the Features:

100% native wii mode

no medium ejecting, rewriting and inserting required whatsoever

this is especially useful for wii coders (fast development cycle)

How to make it work:

1. use the in Twilight Hack combination with the included geckoloader.elf to get this running
the boot code will show up

2. you have to write the loader code to the onboard usbgecko flash once, so press Z on a gamecube pad to do that

3. flashing has to be done only once, press A the next time you reboot the wii to skip that step
after that you will see the loader code in action

4. use a compatible client (like the included one geckoupload, or the official windows geckotool) to send a .dol

5. the transfered binary should execute

6. if you loaded a game/app which has an option to jump back to 0x80001800, you will be able to transmit another binary without reboot


fixed a timing issue in the usbgecko flash code. since i couldn't reproduce this on my setup, thanks go out to my testing bitches bLAStY and NoNameNo
the included client now works on osx thanks to bushing
added an extra check for malformed .dol files (some doltool converted .elf's)
included a tiny test application
coded by dhewg